This Coaching is about supporting you in any part of your life you would like to reflect on. It can be from your relationships, work or any life situation that is concerning you.
You present your situation and the constellation you are in. I will then guide you through a clearer picture of the situation by asking your questions or allowing you to tap into other points of view. This way you will have a bigger picture of the situation and a clearer vision of the puzzle pieces for you to take the most helpful decision.
I have been doing this type of guidance in adults and young people since the beginning of my life as a therapist. This goes back 30 years were I supported people to find their purpose and follow their heart. Clear their choices and take responsibility for themselves.
My desire to help you come further in your life is my heart purpose. Let me help you!
With compassion,
Kian Sanai
Information about the sessions
Duration session: 60 min
Video call app: Zoom
Cost: 100,- €
Cancellation policy: cancellation with in the 48h before the appointment, you get 50% back. Cancellation with in the 24h prior to the appointment, no refund.